Friday, August 29, 2008

Last post from home

Goodbye Japan!

Well, we don't leave until September 10th, but our internet gets shut off September 1st, so here is one last update from our home. We will try and check our email every other day at the internet cafe though. So, you can still email us if you need to.

For the last update, here are some great pictures from our final time in Kyoto. It's was Ben's "birthday." Meaning not his birthday but whatever, he wanted everything this way so he just pretended it was his birthday.

We went to the Edo Movie Theme Park. Basically, a mix between an outdoor reproduction of movie sets for Samurai movies/gimmicky theme park with haunted house and interactive games/museum of old Samurai movie stars and then add in a giant museum of every single Power Ranger ever made reproduced in full size glory and you kind of have an idea of this place. It was cheesy, ridiculous, but actually pretty fun.

Here we are posing in a giant skillet complete with frying eggs...not sure why it was there.

Oh no! Scary! This is right before we enter the haunted house...look at the fear in our eyes! The house itself was basically a depiction of a slaughter in a villiage...really, really gory. Dead bodies and bloody hand prints all over the place.

Then we jumped INTO THE FUTURE! We got to go on a 3D interactive ride. The premise was really silly but the 3D was great and we acted like fools and had a great time. Plus we look awesome in the goggles.

Because of our poor behavior, Kathereine and I got put into the jail cell. We has a sad.

Ah HA! Litte did they know that Katherine and I have super human strength and we busted out of there in a jify!

Here is Katherine displaying her awesome strength by lifting up this house! OMG!

Afterwards we went and did super awesome laser karaoke. Aaron and I delighted everyone with a barage of bad songs.

So, this is the last post from our house. Not sure what we will do without internet for 10 days...we might have to like, talk to each other...weird.
So, until we get home, byebye!


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