Yesterday Aaron and I met up with fellow Fulbrighters to go to some fetivals in Kyoto. This was our first time in Kyoto and geesh, what a town. So beautiful, so full of tradition.
The first festival we went to was called the Kyoto Jidai Matsuri meaning the Festival of Ages. Since Kyoto was the capital of Japan from 794 to 1868 (and Kyotoites are very proud of that) Kyoto basically contains all of Japan's history from those times. This festival is basically a parade of people in costume that represents a specific period of time for Kyoto. It started like this:
Next was the Muromachi period, 1393-1572. Didn't really get any good pictures of this period.
This is from the same period as the little kid. It is some kind of sacred carriage that is suppose to house the spirit of the Emperor Komei, the last Emperor in Kyoto.
Then, after that festival was done, we crammed ourselves onto the most packed train I have EVER seen. It had only one car and I think everybody in Japan was trying to get on. Seriously, it was packed. Why? Because a small town up in the mountains that was this trains desitnation was about to set the town on fire...on purpose. Whaa..?
After the festival started the crowd broke up a bit and we could move around. What we saw was amazing. Every house lit up a small bondfire, while in the clearer spaces around town giant ones were lit. The wood burning was Japanese Cedar which smells sooo good. It was so crazy to see soo many fires everywhere. gets weirder.
Yes, that is a little kid with a giant torch. Part of this festivals main attraction is little kids, like 2 year olds, parading down the street with giant, flaming torches. Not kidding at all.
Why do they do this? I really don't know. We didn't learn to much about this festival before we went.
It was mezmerizing. So many little much fire.
This scantily clad man here shaking the crap out of this kids torch is one of the adult torch bearers. We thought the kids' torches were big...yah...until we saw what that guy and his friends would be carrying around.
This is the craziest thing I think I have ever seen. These guys lit up this GIANT torch right in front of us. Directly next to us...we just couldn't believe it. It took like 3 guys just to lift it into the fire.
It was just
We left the festival rather early to escape the crowd, remember only 1 friggin' train goes to this place and there was thousands of people just here for the festival. So, we left and got stuck standing up on the most crowded train ever (literally couldn't even lift my arms up due to being packed in so tight). After that ordeal we were hungry and went to a little Japanese style bar and got some really good food, it was like an egg pancake thing with noodles inside that you cook at your table. Pretty nifty.
In other news, we are trying to get internet at our house again now that we have our Alien registration cards. So, hopefully Aaron will be able to update this also.
Hope all is well back home.
Do they have Halloween in japan? if they do, you guys should wear fat suits and ten gallon hats and go a Americans.
Hehe, nice blog!
We just went to the same places this year (2008) and shared almost the same experiences! The crowded trains heading toward this fire-festival for example! We took almost the same kind of pictures there. :-)
Nice to read about it in your blog also.
My blog is in German language, but maybe the pictures speak for themselves (sorry, no pics of hte firefestival online yet):
best regards
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